My research agenda is centered around the Internet in general with focus on 
Bias in Machine Learning, Internet privacy, Online Social Networks, 
Internet measurement, and Internet protocols. I gather, process, and analyze 
large amounts of data from a variety of sources. I collaborate with a wide 
variety of people and work with many students. 

I do not have a "home page".


Internet Measurements: Infrastructure, Traffic and Applications   (July 2006, 525 pp)

Web Protocols and Practice  HTTP/1.1, Networking Protocols, Caching and Traffic Measurement
Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford
Addison-Wesley, Spring 2001
Translations in Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese available.

Practical Reusable UNIX Software
Edited by: Balachander Krishnamurthy
Full PostScript for personal downloading only     Full PDF for personal downloading only

Series Editor of 7 Volumes in the Trends in Software series by John Wiley & Sons:
1. User Interface Software (Bass/Dewan)
2. Configuration Management (Tichy)
3. Software Fault Tolerance (Lyu)
4. Software Process (Fuggetta/Wolf)
5. Formal Mehods for Real-Time Computing (Heitmeyer/Mandrioli)
6. Data Visualization Techniques (Bajaj)
7. Computer Supported Co-operative Work (Beaudouin-Lafon)


Measurements as First-class Artifacts
Paolo Laffranchini, Luis Rodrigues, Marco Canini, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
Infocom 2019, June 2019

SDProber: A Software Defined Prober for SDN
Sivaramakrishnan Ramanathan, Yaron Kanza, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
Symposium on SDN Research 2018

Piggybacking Network Functions on SDN Reactive Routing: A Feasibility Study
Chang Liu, Arun Raghuramu, Chen-Nee Chuah, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
Symposium on SDN Research 2017

Internet Privacy

  • Information Market for Web Browsing: Design, Usability and Incremental Adoption
    Arash Molavi Kakhki, Vijay Erramilli, P Gill, Augustin Chaintreau, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Performance 2018, 36th Intl. Symp. on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation

  • Half-Baked Cookies: Hardening Cookie-Based Authentication for the Modern Web
    Yogesh Mundada, Nick Feamster, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of Asia CCS 2016

  • Follow the Money: Understanding Economics of Online Aggregation and Advertising
    P. Gill and V. Erramilli and A. Chaintreau and Balachander Krishnamurthy and K. Papagiannaki and P. Rodriguez
    Proceedings of IMC 2013, October 2013
    Winner: Best Paper Award

  • Privacy Awareness about Information Leakage: Who knows what about me?
    D Malandrino and L Serra and A Petta and V Scarano and R Spinelli and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society, November 2013

  • Privacy and Online Social Networks: Can colorless green ideas sleep furiously?
    Balachander Krishnamurthy
    IEEE Security and Privacy, May-June 2013

  • Historicizing New Media: a content analysis of Twitter
    Lee Humphreys, Phillipa Gill, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Elizabeth Newbury
    Conference of International Communication Association, May 2012

  • For Sale: Your Data By: You
    C. Riederer, V. Erramilli, A. Chaintreau, Balachander Krishnamurthy, P. Rodriguez
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Hotnets Workshop 2011, November 2011

  • Analyzing Facebook Privacy Settings: User Expectations vs. Reality
    Yabing Liu, Krishna P. Gummadi, Balachander Krishnamurthy,Alan Mislove
    Proceedings of IMC 2011, November 2011

  • Privacy leakage vs. Protection measures: the growing disconnect
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Konstantin Naryshkin, Craig Wills
    Web 2.0 Security and Privacy Workshop, May 2011

  • I know what you will do next summer
    Balachander Krishnamurthy
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 40, Number 5, October 2010

  • Privacy Leakage in Mobile Online Social Networks
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of Workshop on Online Social Networks, June 2010

  • Prediction Promotes Privacy In Dynamic Social Networks
    Smriti Bhagat, Graham Cormode, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Divesh Srivastava
    Proceedings of Workshop on Online Social Networks, June 2010

  • How much is too much? Privacy issues on Twitter
    Lee Humphreys, Phillipa Gill, Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Conference of International Communication Association, June 2010

  • On the Leakage of Personally Identifiable Information Via Online Social Networks
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, August 2009

  • Privacy Diffusion on the Web: A Longitudinal Perspective
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig E. Wills
    Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, April 2009

  • Characterizing Privacy in Online Social Networks
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, August 2008

  • Measuring privacy loss and the impact of privacy protection in Web browsing
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Delfina Malandrino and Craig E. Wills
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July 2007

  • Generating a Privacy Footprint on the Internet
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of IMC 2006, October 2006

    Online Social Networks

  • Efficient sampling for better OSN data provisioning
    Nick Duffield and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept 2016

  • Measurement and Analysis of OSN Ad Auctions
    Yabing Liu, Chloe Kliman-Silver, Robert Bell, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Alan Mislove
    Conference on Online Social Networks, October 2014
    Winner: ACM Community Contribution Award

  • Beyond CPM and CPC: Determining the Value of Users on OSNs
    D Saez-Trumper, Y Liu, R Baeza-Yates, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Alan Mislove
    Conference on Online Social Networks, October 2014

  • Towards Detecting Anomalous User Behavior in Online Social Networks
    B Viswanath, M Bashir, M Crovella, S Guha, K Gummadi, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and A Mislove
    USENIX Security Symposium, August 2014

  • Peeking into Invitation-based Adoption Process of OSN-based Applications
    M. Rezaur Rahman, Pierre-Andre Noel, Chen-Nee Chuah, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Raissa M. D'Souza, and S. Felix Wu
    ACM SIGCOMM CCR, January 2014
    Selected for presentation at SIGCOMM 2014 "Best of CCR" session as best technical publication

  • Twitter: A Content Analysis of Personal Information
    Lee Humphreys, Phillipa Gill, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Information, Communication and Society Journal, 2013

  • Beyond Friendship: Modeling User Activity Graphs on Social Network-Based Gifting Applications
    Atif Nazir, Alex Waagen, Vikram Vijayaraghavan, Chen-Nee Chuah, Raissa D’Souza, and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of IMC'12, November 2012

  • A manifesto for modeling and measurement in social media
    Graham Cormode, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Walter Willinger
    First Monday, Volume 15, Number 9, September 2010

  • Network Level Footprints of Facebook Applications
    Atif Nazir, Saqib Raza, Dhruv Gupta, Chen-Nee Chuah, Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of IMC'09, November 2009

  • Understanding Online Social Network Usage from a Network Perspective
    Fabian Schneider, Anja Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Walter Willinger
    Proceedings of IMC'09, November 2009

  • Class-based graph anonymization for social network data
    Smriti Bhagat, Graham Cormode, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Divesh Srivastava
    Proceedings of VLDB'09, August 2009

  • A measure of Online Social Networks (Invited paper)
    Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of COMSNETS'09, January 2009

  • A few chirps about Twitter
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Phillipa Gill and Martin Arlitt
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, August 2008

  • Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
    Graham Cormode and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    First Monday, June 2008

    Web/Internet Measurements

  • Experiment Coordination for Large-scale Measurement Platforms
    Mario Sanchez, Fabian Bustamante, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Walter Willinger
    ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Crowdsharing of Big (Internet) Data, 2015

  • A measurement experimentation platform at the Internet's edge
    M. Sanchez, J. Otto, Z. Bischoff, D. Choffnes, F. Bustamante, B Krishnamurthy, and W Willinger
    ACM Transactions on Networking, 2014

  • Inter-Domain Traffic Estimation for the Outsider
    M. Sanchez, F. Bustamante, B Krishnamurthy, W Willinger, G Smaragdakis and J Erman
    Proceedings of IMC'14, November 2014, Vancouver

  • Measuring Personalization of Web Search
    A Hannak, P Sapiezynski, A Kakhki, B Krishnamurthy, D Lazer, A Mislove, and C Wilson
    Proceedings of WWW'13, May 2013

  • Dasu: Pushing Experiments to the Internet's Edge
    M Sanchez, J Otto, Z Bischof, D Choffnes, F Bustamante, B Krishnamurthy, W Willinger
    Proceedings of ACM/USENIX NSDI'13, April 2013

  • Towards an AS-to-Organization Map
    Xue Cai and John Heidemann and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger
    Proceedings of IMC'10, November 2010

  • A Socratic method for validation of measurement-based networking research
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger and Phillipa Gill and Martin Arlitt
    Computer Communications 34 (2011) 43--53

  • IXPs: Mapped?
    Brice Augustin and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger
    Proceedings of IMC'09, November 2009

  • Rule-Based Anomaly Detection on IP Flows
    Nick Duffield and Patrick Haffner and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Haakon Ringberg
    INFOCOM, April 2009

  • What are our standards for validation of measurement-based networking research?
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger
    Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS HotMetrics 2008, June 2008

  • Remote Profiling of Resource Constraints of Web Servers Using Mini-Flash Crowd
    P Ramamurthy and V Sekar and A Akella and Balachander Krishnamurthy and A Shaikh
    Proceedings of USENIX Annual Technical Cofenrence, Boston, June 2008

  • A Generic Language for Application-Specific Flow Sampling
    Harsha V. Madhyastha and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    ACM SIGCOMM CCR, April 2008

  • Using Mini-Flash Crowds to Infer Resource Constraints in Remote Web Servers
    P Ramamurthy and V Sekar and A Akella and Balachander Krishnamurthy and A Shaikh
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM INM'07, Kyoto, Japan, August 2007

  • Predicting short-transfer latency from TCP arcana: A trace-based validation      HTML Version
    Martin Arlitt and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jeff Mogul
    Proceedings of IMC-2005, Berkeley, CA, October 2005

  • ATMEN: A Triggered Network Measurement Infrastructure
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Harsha V. Madhyastha, Oliver Spatscheck
    Proceedings of WWW-2005, Tokyo, May 2005

  • A Short Walk in the Blogistan
    Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy
    COMNET, Spring 2005

  • On stationarity in Internet measurements through an information-theoretic lens
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Harsha V. Madhyastha, Suresh Venkatasubramanian
    Proceedings of Ist IEEE International Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB), Tokyo, April 2005

  • A methodology for studying persistency aspects of Internet flows
    J Wallerich, H Dreger, A Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Walter Willinger
    ACM SIGCOMM CCR, April 2005

  • On the Responsiveness of DNS-based Network Control     In PDF
    J Pang, A Akella, A Shaikh, B Krishnamurthy and S Seshan
    Proceedings of IMC-2004, Taormina, Oct 2004

  • Traffic classification for application specific peering
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jia Wang
    Proceedings of IMW-2002, Marseille, Nov 2002

  • Flash Crowds and Denial of Service Attacks: Characterization and Implications for CDNs and Web Sites    PS version
    Jayeon Jung and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Michael Rabinovich
    Proceedings of WWW-2002, Hawaii, May 2002

  • Characterizing large DNS traces using graphs     PDF version
    Charles D. Cranor, Emden Gansner, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Oliver Spatscheck
    Proceedings of SIGCOMM IMW 2001, California, pp. 55--67 November 2001

  • On the Use and Performance of Content Distribution Networks     PDF version
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Craig Wills, and Yin Zhang
    Proceedings of SIGCOMM IMW 2001, California, pp. 169--182 November 2001
    Detailed version: AT&T Labs--Research Technical Document TD-52AMHL

  • Early Measurements of a Cluster-based Architecture for P2P Systems
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Jia Wang, and Yinglian Xie
    Proceedings of SIGCOMM IMW 2001, California, pp. 105--109 November 2001

  • Looking for Science in the Art of Network Measurement Matthias Grossglauser and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of IWDC 2001, Taormina, Italy, September 2001

  • Measurement and Analysis of IP Network Usage and Behavior Caceres et al.
    IEEE Communications Magazine, 2000

    Unwanted packets, anomaly detection

  • Workshop: Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet SRUTI 2007

  • Filtering Sources of Unwanted Traffic Based on Blacklists
    F. Soldo, K.El Defrawy, A. Markopoulou, B. Krishnamurthy, K. van der Merwe
    Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), San Diego, CA, Jan 2008.

  • Tracking the Role of Adversaries in Measuring Unwanted Traffic
    Mark Allman, Paul Barford, Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jia Wang
    Proceedings of SRUTI-2006, San Jose, July 2006

  • Cat and Mouse: Content Delivery Tradeoffs in Web Access
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of WWW-2006, Edinburgh, May 2006

  • Collaborating against common enemies      PS Version
    Sachin Katti, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Dina Katabi
    Proceedings of IMC-2005, Berkeley, CA, October 2005

  • Stress Testing Traffic to Infer Its Legitimacy
    Nick Duffield and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of Usenix SRUTI 2005, July 2005

  • Mohonk: Mobile honeypots to trace unwanted traffic early      PS Version Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM NeTTS workshop, September 2004

  • SHRED: Spam Harassment Reduction via Economic Disincentives IETF-56 Talk Slides in PostScript     In PDF

  • Sketch-based Change Detection: Methods, Evaluation, and Applications Proceedings of IMC-2003, Miami Beach, Oct 2003

    Clustering Web Clients

  • Fast Prefix Matching of Bounded Strings
    Adam L. Buchsbaum and Glenn S. Fowler and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Kiem-Phong Vo and Jia Wang
    Proceedings of ACM SIGACT ALENEX03, Baltimore, Maryland, January 2003

  • On Network-Aware Clustering of Web Clients
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jia Wang
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2000

    Detailed version: AT&T Labs--Research Technical Memorandum #000101-01-TM

  • Topology Modeling via Cluster Graphs Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jia Wang
    Proceedings of SIGCOMM IMW 2001, California, pp. 19--23 November 2001

    HTTP/1.1 Protocol

  • PRO-COW: Protocol Compliance on the Web---A Longitudinal Study
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Martin Arlitt
    Proceedings of the 2001 USENIX Symposium on Internet Technology and Systems,
    San Francisco, California, pp. x--y, March 2001.
    Slides of talk presented at IETF plenary session (PDF)

  • En Passant: Predicting HTTP/1.1 traffic
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford
    Proceedings of Global Internet 99 Symposium, Rio di Janeiro, December 1999

  • Key Differences between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1     HTML version
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jeffrey C. Mogul and David M. Kristol
    Proceedings of the WWW-8 Conference, Toronto, May 1999

  • Potential benefits of delta encoding and data compression for HTTP
    Jeffrey Mogul, Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'97, Cannes, France, pp. 181--194, August 1997

    End-to-end issues on the Web

  • DEW: DNS-Enhanced Web for Faster Content Delivery
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Richard Liston, Michael Rabinovich
    Proceedings of WWW-2003, Budapest, May 2003

  • Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Client Characterization Driven Web Server
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Craig Wills, Yin Zhang, and Kashi Vishwanath
    Proceedings of WWW-2003, Budapest, May 2003

  • Preliminary Measurements on the Effect of Server Adaptation for Web Content Delivery
    Balachander Krishnamurthy, Craig Wills, and Yin Zhang
    Proceedings of IMW-2002, Marseille, Nov 2002

  • Improving Web experience by client characterization driven server adaptation    PDF version
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of WWW 2002 Conference, Hawaii, May 2002

  • Analyzing factors that influence end-to-end Web performance
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of WWW-9 Conference, Amsterdam, May 2000
    AT&T Labs--Research Technical Memorandum #991129-07-TM

  • Improving End-to-End Performance of the Web Using Server Volumes and Proxy Filters
    Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Jennifer Rexford
    Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM-98 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, September 1998
    Talk slides      Detailed version: AT&T Labs--Research Technical Memorandum 98.8.1

  • Efficient Algorithms for Predicting Requests to Web Servers
    Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Jennifer Rexford
    Infocom'99, March 1999

    Web Caching

  • Piggyback Cache Validation for Proxy Caches in the World Wide Web
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of the 2nd Web Caching Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 1997

  • Study of Piggyback Cache Validation for Proxy Caches in the WWW
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of the 1997 USENIX Symposium on Internet Technology and Systems, Monterey, California, pp. 1--12, Dec 1997.

  • Piggyback Server Invalidation for Proxy Cache Coherency
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    Proceedings of the WWW-7 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 185--194, April 1998

  • Evaluating server-assisted cache replacement in the Web
    Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Jennifer Rexford
    Proceedings of the European Symposium on Algorithms-98, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, August 1998

  • Proxy Cache Coherency and Replacement---Towards a More Complete Picture
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Craig Wills
    ICDCS99, Austin, June 1999

    Web logs and traffic measurement

  • Rate of Change and other Metrics: a Live Study of the WWW
    Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy Jeffrey Mogul
    Proceedings of the 1997 USENIX Symposium on Internet Technology and Systems, Monterey, California, pp. 147--158, Dec 1997
    Extended Technical Report Version

  • HTTP 1.0 Logs Considered Harmful
    Ramon Caceres, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Jennifer Rexford
    World Wide Web Consortium Workshop on Web Characterization, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1998

  • Software Issues in Characterizing Web Server Logs
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford
    World Wide Web Consortium Workshop on Web Characterization, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1998

  • Measurement and analysis of IP network usage and behavior
    R. Caceres et al.
    IEEE Communication Magazine, Special Issue on Network traffic measurements and experiments, May 2000

    Web searching

  • Focusing Search in Hierarchical Structures with Directory Sets
    Guy Jacobson, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Divesh Srivastava, Dan Suciu
    Proceedings of CIKM-98 Conference, Washington D.C. November 1998

    Event notification systems

  • CORBA Notification Service: Design Challenges and Scalable Solutions
    R. E. Gruber, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and E. Panagos
    International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2001, Heidelberg, May 2001

  • The Architecture of the READY Event Notification Service
    R. E. Gruber, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and E. Panagos
    ICDCS workshop, Austin, June 1999

  • Higher Level Constructs in the READY Event Notification System
    Robert Gruber, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Euthimios Panagaos
    Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Sintra, Portugal, September 1998

  • An objective reuse metric: Model and methodology
    Yih-Farn Chen and Balachander Krishnamurthy and Kiem-Phong Vo
    European Software Engineering Conference, September 1995

  • Yeast: A General Purpose Event-Action System
    Balachander Krishnamurthy and David S. Rosenblum
    IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, August 1995

  • Using event contexts and matching constraints to monitor software processes
    Naser Barghouti and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    International Conference on Software Engineering, April 1995


  • Live Text
    Chris Fraser and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Software Practice and Experience, August 1990

  • COLA: Customized Overlaying
    Eduardo Krell and Balachander Krishnamurthy
    Proceedings of Usenix Winter 1992 Technical Conference, San Francisco, January 1992


    88) 5/14/24 11,983,646  Bias Scoring of Machine Learning Project Data
    87) 6/6/23 11,669,751  Prediction Of Network Events Via Rule Set Representations Of Machine Learning Models
    86) 4/4/23 11,620,542  Bias Scoring of Machine Learning project data
    85) 2/21/23 11,586,950  Methods, Systems, And Devices for Detecting and Mitigating Potential Bias
    84) 5/11/21 11,005,777  Software Defined Prober
    83) 5/11/21 11,003,782  Protection of personally identifiable information
    82) 12/8/20 10,862,995  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    81) 3/3/20 10,579,804  Tailored protection of personally identifiable information
    80) 10/8/19 10,439,986  Method and apparatus for reducing unwanted traffic between peer networks
    79) 6/18/19 10,326,859  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    78) 5/8/18 9,965,563  Method and apparatus to identify outliers in social networks
    77) 2/13/18 9,894,181  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    76) 1/2/18 9,860,181  System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through selective impairment
    75) 8/1/17 9,721,108  Tailored protection of personally identifiable information
    74) 8/1/17 9,721,014  System and method of processing database queries
    73) 6/13/17 9,680,877  Systems and methods for rule-based anomaly detection on IP network flow
    72) 5/30/17 9,665,651  Method and apparatus to identify outliers in social networks
    71) 4/11/17 9,621,573  System and method for monitoring network traffic
    70) 4/11/17 9,621,475  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    69) 9/13/16 9,443,024  Method and apparatus to identify outliers in social networks
    68) 8/2/16 9,407,527  System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through selective impairment
    67) 5/31/16 9,356,959  System and method for monitoring network traffic
    66) 2/9/16 9,258,217  Systems and methods for rule-based anomaly detection on IP network flow
    65) 10/27/15 9,172,706  Tailored protection of personally identifiable information
    64) 8/25/15 9,118,560  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    63) 8/11/15 9,106,550  System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through selective impairment
    62) 6/16/15 9,059,897  Method and apparatus to identify outliers in social networks
    61) 2/3/15 8,949,327  Method and device to provide trusted recommendations of websites
    60) 1/27/15 8,943,200  Method and apparatus for reducing unwanted traffic between peer networks
    59) 11/25/14 8,898,785  System and method for monitoring network traffic
    58) 10/28/14 8,875,305  Anonymization of data over multiple temporal releases
    57) 10/14/14 8,862,635  Automatic gleaning of semantic information in social networks
    56) 9/16/14 8,839,454  Multi-Dimensional User-Specified Extensible Narrowcasting System
    55) 9/16/14 8,839,443  Identifying And Remedying Secondary Privacy Leakage
    54) 8/26/14 8,819,109  Data network communication using identifiers mappable to resource locators
    53) 7/8/14 8,776,224  Method and apparatus for identifying phishing websites in network traffic using generated regular expressions
    52) 7/8/14 8,775,605  Method and apparatus to identify outliers in social networks
    51) 7/1/14 8,768,961  System and method for processing database queries
    50) 6/10/14 8,751,431  System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through selective impairment
    49) 5/20/14 8,732,295  Method and apparatus for providing real friends count
    48) 4/15/14 8,701,185  Method for locating fraudulent replicas of web sites
    47) 12/3/13 8,601,591  Method and apparatus for providing web privacy
    46) 11/19/13 8,589,443  Method and apparatus for providing anonymization of data
    45) 9/17/13 8,539,576  System And Method For Filtering Unwanted Internet Protocol Traffic Based On Blacklists
    44) 9/3/13 8,527,504  Data network content filtering using categorized filtering parameters
    43) 8/13/13 8,510,792  Gated network service
    42) 7/9/13 8,484,463  System and method for utilizing a rendezvous mechanism for secure information exchange
    41) 6/4/13 8,457,016  Reverse engineering peering at internet exchange points
    40) 5/7/13 8,438,650  Anonymization of data over multiple temporal releases
    39) 5/7/13 8,438,267  Internet-wide scheduling of transactions
    38) 2/26/13 8,386,534  Automatic gleaning of semantic information in social networks
    37) 2/12/13 8,375,447  System and method for monitoring network traffic
    36) 11/6/12 8,307,431  Method and apparatus for identifying phishing websites in network traffic using generated regular expressions
    35) 4/17/12 8,161,155  Filtering unwanted data traffic via a per-customer blacklist
    34) 4/10/12 8,156,556  Method and apparatus for providing mobile honeypots
    33) 3/20/12 8,141,150  Method and apparatus for automatic identification of phishing sites from low-level network traffic
    32) 1/17/12 8,098,686  Method and apparatus for providing an application-level utility metric
    31) 1/3/12 8,091,131  Method and apparatus for communicating intrusion-related information between internet service providers
    30) 11/29/11 8,069,150  Method and apparatus for improving end to end performance of a data network
    29) 07/12/11 7,979,413  Automatic generation of embedded signatures for duplicate detection on a public network
    28) 04/26/11 7,933,745  System and method for profiling resource constraints of web servers
    27) 03/29/11 7,916,664  Reverse engineering peering at Internet exchange point
    26) 07/06/10 7,751,325  Method and apparatus for sketch-based detection of changes In network traffic
    25) 06/22/10 7,742,409  Method and apparatus for compensating for performance degradation of an application session
    24) 02/02/10 7,657,735  System and method for monitoring network traffic
    23) 02/02/10 7,657,553  System and method for improving end to end performance of a data network
    22) 12/08/09 7,630,949  System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through selective impairment
    21) 12/01/09 7,627,691  Method for fast network-aware clustering
    20) 11/13/07 7,296,089  Method for improving web performance by adapting servers based on client cluster characterization
    19) 5/15/07 7,219,160  Method for fast network-aware clustering
    18) 3/13/07 7,191,168  Fast prefix matching of bounded strings
    17) 8/9/05 6,928,485  Method for network-aware clustering of clients in a network
    16) 6/28/05 6,912,562  Cache invalidation technique with spurious resource change indications
    15) 6/15/04 6,751,608  Method and apparatus for improving end to end performance of a data network
    14) 8/12/03 6,606,639  Method for effective indexing of partially dynamic documents
    13) 6/10/03 6,578,113  Method for cache validation for proxy caches
    12) 8/13/02 6,434,573  Method for effective indexing of partially dynamic documents
    11) 3/26/02 6,363,379  Method of clustering electronic documents in response to a search query
    10) 1/08/02 6,338,058  Method for providing more informative results in response to a search of electronic documents
    9) 12/11/01 6,330,561  Method and apparatus for improving end to end performance of a data network
    8) 12/26/00 6,167,397  Method of clustering electronic documents in response to a search query
    7) 10/17/00 6,134,553  Method for using region-sets to focus searches in hierarchical structures
    6) 06/06/00 6,073,130  Method for improving the results of a search in a structured database
    5) 05/30/00 6,070,157  Method for providing more informative results in response to a search of electronic documents
    4) 10/19/99 5,970,489  Method for using region-sets to focus searches in hierarchical structures
    3) 9/21/99 5,956,722  Method for effective indexing of partially dynamic documents
    2) 09/21/99 5,956,027  Method and apparatus for sharing a web page
    1) 03/04/97 5,608,908  Process control system responsive to device events